STARS - 2013
Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

3D Trajectories for Action Recognition Using Depth Sensors

Participants : Michal Koperski, Piotr Bilinski, François Brémond.

keywords: action recognition, computer vision, machine learning, 3D sensors

The goal of our work is to extend recently published approaches ( [61] , [62] , [32] , [90] ) for Human Action Recognition to take advantage of the depth information from 3D sensors.

We propose to add depth information to trajectory based algorithms ([32] , [90] ). Currently mentioned algorithms compute trajectories by sampling video frames and then tracking points of interest - creating the trajectory. Our contribution is to create even more discriminative features by adding depth information to previously detected trajectories. In our work we propose methods to deal with noise and missing measurements in depth information map. Such computed 3D trajectories, combined with other appearance features (HOG, HOF), are subject to a Bag of Words model and SVM classifier.

Figure 31. Visualization of MSR Dailiy Activty 3D data set. Left : video input frame; Middle : frame with detected trajectories (red = static points, green = detected trajectories); Right : corresponding depth map.

The evaluation of our method was conducted on the ”Microsoft Daily Activity3D” data set [91] which consist of 16 actions (drink, eat, read book, call cellphone, write on a paper, use laptop etc.) performed by 10 subjects. The experiments showed that adding depth information to Dense Trajectories descriptor [90] gave gain in efficiency 57.72% to 64.12%. The mentioned work is going to be submitted in December 2013.